STAR OCEAN – THE LAST HOPE – 4K & Full HD Remaster is an action role-playing video game developed by tri-Ace and published by Square Enix. The Last Hope utilizes the same real time battle system like previous games in the series, new features include a new Rush Gauge and Blindsides. The Rush gauge allows players to perform a preemptive strike against their opponent or use a special ability or attack. Each character will have and utilize their own individual Rush gauge. Blindsides allow the player to counterattack an enemy who is targeting the player by slipping behind the enemy quickly out of their line of sight and launching a preemptive strike on the enemy from their back. One noteworthy change in the system is the number of characters that can be controlled and fought with in battle returning to four, as in the first two Star Ocean games (it was limited to three in the previous title, Star Ocean Till the End of Time).